Markdown Garden

Block Quotes

Block quotes represent one or more lines of text (or other content) that have been quoted from another source.

In Markdown, a block quote is defined by placing a greater-than sign, optionally followed by a space, at the start of each paragraph of the block quote. For example:

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget eros in nulla dignissim suscipit. Phasellus tempor nisl sed nulla eleifend, ac imperdiet ipsum aliquam.

Block quotes may also be split over multiple lines for readability by placing a greater-than sign at the start of each line. For example:

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
> Nullam eget eros in nulla dignissim suscipit. Phasellus
> tempor nisl sed nulla eleifend, ac imperdiet ipsum
> aliquam.

If multiple paragraphs in block quotes are placed directly next to one another they will be joined together to produce a single block quote:

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
> Nullam eget eros in nulla dignissim suscipit. Phasellus
> tempor nisl sed nulla eleifend, ac imperdiet ipsum
> aliquam.

> In ac eros ac ligula varius tempor. Phasellus
> efficitur volutpat ipsum, auctor faucibus velit finibus
> non. Fusce a nisl vitae diam faucibus vestibulum.
> Praesent velit massa, laoreet a rhoncus non, luctus in
> ligula.

Block quotes may also contain other Markdown elements nested inside of them, for example headers and lists:

> This is a block quote containing a header
> # This is a header
> And a list
> 1. Item One
> 2. Item Two