
We Take

We take all kinds of paper, but it must be clean and dry and easy to collect. Pop it in a plastic bag with handles tied and put it on top of your crate. This keeps it dry and prevents your other recyclables blowing away.

When you think paper, don't just think newspaper. Think glossy magazines, office paper and even advertising brochures

We all take box-board such as cereal packets - just make sure they're clean, empty and flat and tied in the bag with the paper.

One litre milk cartons and egg trays/cartons are the only paper items we don't want flattened. Rinsed milk cartons are used by "Trees for Canterbury" for tree seedlings and clean egg cartons can be used again. Please keep these items unflattened and put them loose in your crate.


We can't take dirty or food-soiled paper.

Box-board must be empty of all contents, flaps undone and put in with other paper.

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Christchurch City Council Onyx Environmental and Industrial Services Recovered Materials Foundation Waimakariri District Council Real Recycling