
String Instrument

License NPM CI

String Instrument is small library containing utility functions for working with strings. It uses modern JavaScript module syntax and is limited to functionality not present in the built in String and Array objects.

The API was inspired by Active Support Inflector but does not follow it 1:1.

npm install --save string-instrument
# yarn add string-instrument
# pnpm add string-instrument

Visit to view the full documentation.

import { camelise } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(camelise('one two_three')) // oneTwoThree
console.log(camelise('one two_three', true)) // OneTwoThree
import { dasherise } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(dasherise('one two_three')) // one-two-three
import { downcaseFirst } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(downcaseFirst('One Two Three')) // one Two Three
import { humanise } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(humanise('one two_three')) // one two three
console.log(humanise('one two_three', true)) // One two three
import { ordinal } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(ordinal(1)) // st
console.log(ordinal(42)) // nd
console.log(ordinal(111)) // th
import { ordinalise } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(ordinalise(1)) // 1st
console.log(ordinalise(42)) // 42nd
console.log(ordinalise(111)) // 111th
import { parameterise } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(parameterise('one two three')) // one-two-three
console.log(parameterise('one two three', '_')) // one_two_three
console.log(parameterise('One Two Three', '-', true)) // One-Two-Three
import { pascalise } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(pascalise('one two_three')) // OneTwoThree
import { separate } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(separate('oneTwoThree')) // one two three
console.log(separate('one_two_three')) // one two three
import { titleise } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(titleise('one two_three')) // One Two Three
console.log(titleise('oneTwoThree')) // One Two Three
import { underscore } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(underscore('oneTwoThree')) // one_two_three
console.log(underscore('one two three')) // one_two_three
import { upcaseFirst } from 'string-instrument'

console.log(upcaseFirst('one two three')) // One two three

String Instrument is released under the MIT License.